Author: Don Bremer
Creating a new folder with YYYY-MM-DD
Go to registry editor using ‘regedit’ command. Go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell. Make a new key New Folder. Inside this key, create another key command. Type the following value for the key inside it: cmd.exe /c md “%1/%%DATE%%” Save and exit registry editor. Right-click on the folder in Windows Explorer, and click on New Folder
Rules of Programming
Indent Naming conventions Method Names Hungarian Notation Camel Case Small Methods (usually less than half a page) Dim at top (usually) Dim all variables Description of what method dos at top Ease of maintenance in writing
About Faxes
Please don’t fax me anything… This is the conversation that goes through my head when people ask to fax me something…
Fun Stuff
Fun with SI units 2000 mockingbirds = 2 kilo mockingbird Basic unit of laryngitis = hoarse power 1 million phones = 1 mega phone 1000 aches = 1 kilo hurts
FindInfo macro
Table Structure for Peach Tree
Although I would love to make a picture of the database tables, here are the tables anyway: ADDRESS.DAT Customer ShipTo and Vendor RemitTo address data. Added at V13. AFLOCAT.DAT Lookup data for city, state, zipcode and country. Added at V13 to support pulldown lists. ALARM.DAT Alarm events. ALERT.DAT Alert events. AUDITTR.DAT Audit trail information….